SDC Ruse

SDC Ruse is in Ruse, Bulgaria and 70 km from Bucharest. Landing point of BFOR - the shortest fiber route between Romania and Turkey. Ruse is located on the Romanian-Bulgarian boarder and is important point of presence of the fiber 

optic routes of many long haul fiber providers and telecoms. The strategic location and redundant connectivity make SDC Ruse an appropriate place for providing of disaster recovery IT and data center services.

Contact us

With its strategic location SDC Ruse is the right choice for businesses looking for a disaster recovery data center and IT services.

Services / Colocation

      Private Rack

        1/2 Rack 

        1/3 Rack 

       1/4 Rack

        Rack unit


Technical parametres

  • Load capacity, kg - 2000 kg/m2
  • On-site office space - no
  • Total capacity available at data center (# MW) - 0.13
  • UPS redundancy - 2x(N+1)
  • Air conditioning system, type - DX
  • Air conditioning system, redundancy - N+1
  • Guard controlled gated entry - 5x8
  • Fire alarm - yes; FK-5-1-12 (Novec1230)
  • NOC - yes, 24/7
  • Certificates - ISO 9001, ISO20000, ISO27001, ISO27701
  • Hands-on-site, response time - 30 min/2h
  • Secure storage - yes
  • Secure storage - yes
  • Locking cabinets, cages, suites and modules - yes
  • Meet-Me-Rooms - 2x, fully divers cable enties

Request Form

Send your inquiry using the fields below. Our representative will contact you.



  • Heavy load freight lift

  • Antenna field

  • Wi-Fi

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